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- **
- ** $VER: SavePicture.a V1.00 (06-12-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 06-12-95 Versin 1.00 Initial Module
- **
- ** SavePicture.a save a screen buffer to a file. This can be done
- ** in a number of ways. Possible types of saving: Interleave, RAW
- ** Copper and Font8.
- **
- include graphics/view.i
- ExtensionSize equ 6 // Changes should be made to IFFConverter.h too
- XDEF _SaveInterleave
- XDEF _SaveRaw
- XDEF _SaveCopperAGA
- XDEF _SaveCopperECS
- XDEF _SaveCopper32bit
- XDEF _SaveCopper4bit
- XDEF _SaveFont8
- XREF _PicDepth
- include exec/types.i
- include exec/strings.i
- include dos/dos.i
- include graphics/gfx.i
- include dos_lib.i
- include Gadgets_enum.i
- STRUCTURE Save_Buffer_struct,0
- APTR Buffer
- ULONG BufferSize
- ULONG BufferLeft
- BPTR FileHeader
- * Macro for adding text to an ASCII file
- AddText MACRO
- lea (\1,PC),a5 Set start of text.
- IFLT (\2-1<<7) See if text fits in a 'moveq'.
- moveq #\2,d7 Set text size.
- ELSE Text size needs to be a longword.
- move.l #\2,d7 Set text size.
- jsr WriteBuffer Write text to a buffer.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * To call a library function use LIBCALL. If A6 is correct, just
- * use LIBCALL with the functionname only. If A6 isn't correct,
- * than use LIBCALL with the functionname AND the library offset.
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------
- IFGT NARG-2 More Then Two Arguments?
- FAIL Too many Arguments!!!
- IFEQ NARG-2 Two Arguments exactly.
- move.l (_\2),a6
- jsr (_LVO\1,a6)
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SaveInterleave(BitMap, BitPlanePtrs, IFFClip, SaveBuffer)
- * A0 A1 A2 A3
- *
- * Save a screen buffer to a file. If a 'SaveBuffer' exists, use it to
- * store the data temporary. If it doesn't, save the screen buffer
- * directly to 'SaveName'. 'SaveName' should be a valid name, because
- * no checking is done to see if 'SaveName' exists or not.
- *
- * pre: A0 - Pointer to the BitMap structure of the screen to be saved.
- * A1 - Pointer to an allocted block of memory. This will be filled
- * with the appropiate pointer values to the bitmaps. The size
- * of this block should be at least: bm_Depth × 4 bytes.
- * A2 - Pointer to a structure containing all the necessary clipping
- * values.
- * A3 - Pointer to a buffer structure.
- * post: None.
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _SaveInterleave
- SECTION SaveInterleave,code
- movem.l a4-5,-(SP)
- move.l a1,a4
- lea (bm_Planes,a0),a5 Copy the bitplane pointers, because
- move.w (bm_Depth,a0),d0 we will touch them.
- subq.w #1,d0
- CopyBitplanePtr
- move.l (a5)+,(a4)+
- dbf d0,CopyBitplanePtr
- movem.l (SP)+,a4-5
- rts
- SECTION SaveRaw,code
- _SaveRaw
- movem.l a4-5,-(SP)
- move.l a1,a4
- lea (bm_Planes,a0),a5 Copy the bitplane pointers, because
- move.w (bm_Depth,a0),d0 we will touch them.
- subq.w #1,d0
- CpBitplanePtr
- move.l (a5)+,(a4)+
- dbf d0,CpBitplanePtr
- movem.l (SP)+,a4-5
- rts
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * SaveCopper(ColourMap, SaveBuffer )
- * A2 A3
- *
- * Save a colourmap to a file. The name of the file can be found in
- * 'SaveBuffer'. Since there are currently two distingt chipsets,
- * there are different ways to build a colourmap. One for the ECS and
- * one for AGA. Secondly a colourmap colould be directly implemented
- * as a CopperList, or just the colour data itself and the programmer
- * takes care of the building the CopperList himself. Anyway, this
- * leaves us with four possible way of saving a colourmap. We could
- * ask the user to specify how to save the colourmap or take awy the
- * burden and save them all at once. Since a colourmap does not take
- * up much space, the later methos is prefered. This way, the user
- * will always have the right colourmap.
- * The four ways a colourmap is saved are:
- * 1 - AGA extension will be .AGA
- * 2 - ECS extension will be .ECS
- * 3 - 32 bit colours extension will be .32bit
- * 4 - 4 bit colours extension will be .4bit
- *
- * pre: A2 - Pointer to the ColourMap of the screen to be saved.
- * The structure is the same as for 'LoadRGB32' colourmaps.
- * A3 - Pointer to a buffer structure.
- * A4 - SAS C Stack offset.
- * post: None.
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SECTION SaveCopper
- * Code can be found after data!
- EITEM dctype_Word
- EITEM dctype_Long
- AGAHeader dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** $VER: AGA CopperList',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** Author: Gerben Venekamp',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** This is an AGA CopperList made with the IFFConverter.',LF
- dc.b '** Just insert this at the appropiate place inside your',LF
- dc.b '** Copper List.',LF
- dc.b '**',LF,LF
- ASCII_OrMask dc.b 'BPLCON3OrMask'
- ASCII_OrMaskSize equ *-ASCII_OrMask
- dc.b ' equ $'
- BPLCON3OrMask dc.b '0000'
- dc.b LF
- AGAHeaderSize equ *-AGAHeader
- ECSHeader dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** $VER: ECS CopperList',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** Author: Gerben Venekamp',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** This is an ECS CopperList made with the IFFConverter.',LF
- dc.b '** Just insert this at the appropiate place inside your',LF
- dc.b '** Copper List.',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- ECSHeaderSize equ *-ECSHeader
- bit32Header dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** $VER: 32 bit Colour map',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** Author: Gerben Venekamp',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** This is an 32 bit colourmap made with the IFFConverter.',LF
- dc.b '** See autodocs/graphics/LoadRGB32 for the structure explaination.',LF
- dc.b '** You could pass it on to LoadRGB32.',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- bit32HeaderSize equ *-bit32Header
- bit4Header dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** $VER: 4 bit Colour map',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** Author: Gerben Venekamp',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- dc.b '** This is an 4 bit colourmap made with the IFFConverter.',LF
- dc.b '** Each word represents a total RGB colour. Each colour compentent',LF
- dc.b '** is a 4 bit value.',LF
- dc.b '**',LF
- bit4HeaderSize equ *-bit4Header
- ASCII_TAB dc.b ' '
- TABSize equ *-ASCII_TAB
- ASCII_LF dc.b LF
- LFSize equ *-ASCII_LF
- Line_dcw dc.b 'dc.w'
- Line_dcw_Length equ *-Line_dcw
- Line_dcl dc.b 'dc.l'
- Line_dcl_Length equ *-Line_dcl
- ColourPart dc.b 'color+'
- ColourPartLength equ *-ColourPart
- ColourOffset dc.b '00'
- ColourOffsetSize equ *-ColourOffset
- ColourValue dc.b '000'
- ColourValueSize equ *-ColourValue
- ColourBank dc.b 'bplcon3,$'
- ColourBankSize equ *-ColourBank
- BPLCON3Value dc.b '0000'
- BPLCON3ValueSize equ *-BPLCON3Value
- ColourValue24 dc.b '000000'
- ColourValue24Size equ *-ColourValue24
- Comma dc.b ','
- CommaLength equ *-Comma
- CommaStr dc.b ',$'
- CommaStrLength equ *-CommaStr
- ASCII_Str dc.b '$'
- ASCII_StrSize equ *-ASCII_Str
- ASCII_Or dc.b '|'
- ASCII_OrSize equ *-ASCII_Or
- CNOP 0,2
- ColourCount dc.w 0
- BPLCON3Extra dc.w 0
- bplcon3_LOCTbit equ 9
- **
- ** Here's where the fun begins, pure code.
- **
- _SaveCopperAGA
- movem.l d2-3/d5-7/a5-6,-(SP) Store affected non scratch registers
- clr.w (BPLCON3Extra)
- AddText AGAHeader,AGAHeaderSize
- move.l a2,-(SP)
- DoLowNibles
- move.l (a2)+,d6
- swap d6
- move.w d6,(ColourCount)
- subq.w #1,d6
- move.w d6,d5 For Later use
- lsr.w #5,d6
- bpl.s MakeAGA
- moveq #0,d6
- MakeAGA
- jsr AddColourBank
- and.w #$1f,d5
- MakeAGA.1
- move.w #dctype_Word,d0
- bsr AddStartLine
- cmp.w (_NumberOfItems1),d5
- blt.s CorrectItems
- move.w (_NumberOfItems1),d4
- subq.w #1,d4
- bra.s RightItems
- CorrectItems
- move.w d5,d4
- RightItems
- sub.w d4,d5
- MakeAGA.2
- lea (ColourOffset,PC),a0
- move.w (ColourCount),d0
- subq.w #1,d0
- sub.w d5,d0
- sub.w d4,d0
- add.w d0,d0
- and.w #$3f,d0
- moveq #ColourOffsetSize,d1
- jsr MakeDecimal
- cmp.w #1<<bplcon3_LOCTbit,(BPLCON3Extra)
- bne.s BPLCON3_LowNible
- move.l (a2)+,d0 Get Red component
- and.l #$f0000000,d0
- moveq #20,d2
- lsr.w d2,d0 Make R
- move.l (a2)+,d1 Get Green component
- and.l #$f0000000,d1
- moveq #24,d2
- lsr.w d2,d1
- or.w d1,d0 Make RG
- move.l (a2)+,d1 Get Blue component
- and.l #$f0000000,d1
- moveq #28,d2
- lsr.l d2,d1
- or.w d1,d0 Make RGB
- bra.s GotColourComponent
- BPLCON3_LowNible
- ; If not High Nibke that it must be Low Nible
- move.l (a2)+,d0 Get Red component
- and.l #$0f000000,d0
- swap d0 Make R
- move.l (a2)+,d1 Get Green component
- and.l #$0f000000,d1
- moveq #20,d2
- lsr.l d2,d1
- or.w d1,d0 Make RG
- move.l (a2)+,d1 Get Blue component
- and.l #$0f000000,d1
- moveq #24,d2
- lsr.l d2,d1
- or.w d1,d0 Make RGB
- GotColourComponent
- moveq #ColourValueSize,d1
- lea (ColourValue,PC),a0
- jsr MakeHex
- AddText ColourPart,ColourPartLength
- AddText ColourOffset,ColourOffsetSize
- AddText CommaStr,CommaStrLength
- AddText ColourValue,ColourValueSize
- tst.w d4
- beq.s AGASkipComma
- AddText Comma,CommaLength
- AGASkipComma
- dbf d4,MakeAGA.2
- dbf d5,MakeAGA.1
- dbf d6,MakeAGA
- **
- ** Okay, a very big NOTE here!!!
- ** This piece of code works fine, but *any* extentions might cause
- ** problems!!!! BE AWARE OF THIS THREAD!!!!
- **
- ** What happens is, you need to write the same copperlist twice!
- ** This is due to the fact that you write the high nible of each
- ** of your 24 bit colour components first, than the low nibles.
- ** So, $123456 will be $135 followd by $246.
- ** A special bit takes care of the nibles. So using this nible it's
- ** an easy test to check when to stop. Any changes could upset this
- ** easy rule.
- **
- move.l (SP),A2
- tst.w (BPLCON3Extra,PC)
- bne.s EndOfAGA
- or.w #1<<bplcon3_LOCTbit,(BPLCON3Extra)
- bra DoLowNibles
- EndOfAGA
- jsr FlushBuffer
- addq.l #4,SP
- movem.l (SP)+,d2-3/d5-7/a5-6 Restore affected non scratch registers
- rts
- _SaveCopperECS
- movem.l d2-3/d6-7/a5-6,-(SP) Store affected non scratch registers
- AddText ECSHeader,ECSHeaderSize
- jsr FlushBuffer
- movem.l (SP)+,d2-3/d6-7/a5-6 Restore affected non scratch registers
- rts
- _SaveCopper32bit
- movem.l d2-3/d6-7/a5-6,-(SP) Store affected non scratch registers
- AddText bit32Header,bit32HeaderSize
- moveq #dctype_Word,d0
- jsr AddStartLine
- move.l (a2)+,d5
- lea (BPLCON3Value,PC),a0
- move.w d5,d0
- moveq #4,d1
- jsr MakeHex
- AddText ASCII_Str,ASCII_StrSize
- AddText BPLCON3Value,BPLCON3ValueSize
- AddText CommaStr,CommaStrLength
- swap d5
- lea (BPLCON3Value,PC),a0
- move.w d5,d0
- moveq #4,d1
- jsr MakeHex
- AddText BPLCON3Value,BPLCON3ValueSize
- move.w d5,d6 Multiply by three
- add.w d6,d6 Multiply by three
- add.w d5,d6 Multiply by three
- subq.w #1,d6
- Make32bit
- moveq #dctype_Long,d0
- jsr AddStartLine
- cmp.w (_NumberOfItems2),d6
- blt.s CorrectItems32bit
- move.w (_NumberOfItems2),d5
- subq.w #1,d5
- bra.s RightItems32bit
- CorrectItems32bit
- move.w d6,d5
- RightItems32bit
- sub.w d5,d6
- Make32bit.2
- move.l (a2)+,d0
- moveq #6,d1
- lea (ColourValue24,PC),a0
- jsr MakeHex
- AddText ASCII_Str,ASCII_StrSize
- AddText ColourValue24,ColourValue24Size
- tst.w d5
- beq.s bit32SkipComma
- AddText Comma,CommaLength
- bit32SkipComma
- dbf d5,Make32bit.2
- dbf d6,Make32bit
- jsr FlushBuffer
- movem.l (SP)+,d2-3/d6-7/a5-6 Restore affected non scratch registers
- rts
- _SaveCopper4bit
- movem.l d2-3/d6-7/a5-6,-(SP) Store affected non scratch registers
- AddText bit4Header,bit4HeaderSize
- jsr FlushBuffer
- movem.l (SP)+,d2-3/d6-7/a5-6 Restore affected non scratch registers
- rts
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * AddColourBank
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AddColourBank
- bsr AddStartLine
- AddText ColourBank,ColourBankSize
- move.w (_PicDepth,a4),d0
- subq.w #1,d0
- sub.w d6,d0
- ror.w #3,d0
- or.w (BPLCON3Extra,PC),d0 Add Extra bits to BPLCON3
- moveq #BPLCON3ValueSize,d1
- lea (BPLCON3Value,PC),a0
- jsr MakeHex
- AddText BPLCON3Value,BPLCON3ValueSize
- AddText ASCII_Or,ASCII_OrSize
- AddText ASCII_OrMask,ASCII_OrMaskSize
- rts
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * AddStartLine( SaveBuffer, DC_Type )
- * A3 D0
- *
- * Adds the beginning of a line to a save buffer. The beginning of a
- * line look like this: <TAB1>dc.w<TAB2>
- *
- * pre: _TAB1 - Number of tabs at the beginning of a line.
- * _TAB2 - Number of tabs after the 'dc.w' statement.
- * D0 - Type of dc statement. Accepted types are: dctype_long
- * dctype_word
- * A3 - Pointer to a savebuffer structure.
- * post: None.
- *
- * Uneffected registers:
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AddStartLine
- movem.l d6/d0,-(SP)
- AddText ASCII_LF,LFSize
- move.w (_TAB1),d6
- jsr AddTabs
- move.l (SP)+,d0
- cmp.w #dctype_Long,d0
- beq.s Make_dc_Long
- AddText Line_dcw,Line_dcw_Length
- bra.s AddSecondTAB
- Make_dc_Long
- AddText Line_dcl,Line_dcl_Length
- AddSecondTAB
- move.w (_TAB2),d6
- jsr AddTabs
- move.l (SP)+,d6
- rts
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * AddTabs( Tabs, SaveBuffer )
- * D6 A3
- *
- * Adds a series of tabs to SaveBuffer.
- *
- * pre: D6 - Number of tabs to add.
- * A3 - Pointer to a buffer structure.
- * post: None.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AddTabs
- subq.w #1,d6
- WriteTabs
- dbf d6,WriteTabs
- rts
- **
- ** Variables.
- **
- XDEF _NumberOfItems1
- XDEF _NumberOfItems2
- _TAB1 dc.w 2 Default Value.
- _TAB2 dc.w 1 Same here.
- _NumberOfItems1 dc.w 4 Same here.
- _NumberOfItems2 dc.w 9 Same here.
- _BPLCON3OrMask dc.l BPLCON3OrMask
- SECTION SaveFont8,code
- _SaveFont8
- move.l a4,-(SP) Save SAS C Stack pointer.
- move.l (SP)+,a4 Restore SAS C Stack pointer.
- rts
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * WriteBuffer( Buffer, Data, DataSize)
- * A3 A5 D7
- *
- * Writes 'Data' to a buffer. When buffer is full, the buffer will
- * be flushed and the remaining data will be written to the buffer.
- *
- * pre: A3 - Pointer to a Buffer structure.
- * A4 - SAS C Stack Pointer
- * A5 - Pointer to the data to be written to 'Buffer'
- * D7 - Size of the 'Data' buffer.
- * post: None
- *
- * Uneffected registers: A1-4, D4-6
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SECTION WriteBuffer,code
- WriteBuffer
- tst.l d7
- beq.s DataEmpty
- move.l (BufferLeft,a3),d1
- cmp.l d1,d7
- bge.s BufferOverflow
- move.l d7,d2
- sub.l d7,(BufferLeft,a3)
- bra.s CopyDataBuffer
- BufferOverflow
- move.l d1,d2
- clr.l (BufferLeft,a3)
- CopyDataBuffer
- sub.l d2,d7
- move.l (BufferSize,a3),d0
- sub.l d1,d0
- move.l (Buffer,a3),a0
- add.l d0,a0
- CopyDataBuffer.1
- move.b (a5)+,(a0)+
- subq.l #1,d2
- bne.s CopyDataBuffer.1
- tst.l (BufferLeft,a3)
- bne.s WriteBuffer
- bsr.s FlushBuffer
- bra.s WriteBuffer
- DataEmpty
- rts
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * FlushBuffer( Buffer )
- * A3
- *
- * Flush the buffer. If buffer is empty, no flushing will occour.
- *
- * pre: A3 - Pointer to a buffer to be flushed
- * A4 - SAS C Stack Pointer
- * post: None.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FlushBuffer
- move.l (BufferSize,a3),d3
- sub.l (BufferLeft,a3),d3
- beq.s NothingInBuffer
- move.l (FileHeader,a3),d1
- move.l (Buffer,a3),d2
- move.l (_DOSBase,a4),a6
- jsr (_LVOWrite,a6)
- move.l (BufferSize,a3),(BufferLeft,a3)
- NothingInBuffer
- rts
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * MakeDecimal( Inter, Length, Buffer )
- * D0.W D1.W A0.L
- *
- * Converters an integer to a decimal representation in ASCII,
- * leading zeroes are *not* removed
- *
- * pre: A0 - Pointer into which the converted integer will be stored.
- * D0 - Integer to convert. Upper 16 bits are expected to be zero.
- * D1 - Number of digits to be used.
- * post: None.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MakeDecimal
- subq.w #1,d1
- Convert_dec
- divu.w #10,d0
- swap d0
- add.b #'0',d0
- move.b d0,(a0,d1)
- clr.w d0
- swap d0
- dbf d1,Convert_dec
- rts
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * MakeHex( Inter, Length, Buffer )
- * D0.L D1.W A0.L
- *
- * Converters an integer to a hexadecimal representation in ASCII,
- * leading zeroes are *not* removed
- *
- * pre: A0 - Pointer into which the converted integer will be stored.
- * D0 - Integer to convert. Upper 16 bits are expected to be zero.
- * D1 - Number of digits to be used.
- * post: None.
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MakeHex
- subq.w #1,d1
- Convert_hex
- moveq #0,d2
- divu.l #16,d2:d0
- cmp.w #10,d2
- blt.s NoAdjustment
- addq.w #7,d2
- NoAdjustment
- add.b #'0',d2
- move.b d2,(a0,d1)
- dbf d1,Convert_hex
- rts